
This Is a Test Post

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In condimentum, mi id sagittis tincidunt, elit ligula aliquam enim, ac suscipit elit magna quis ligula. Quisque leo sapien, auctor quis lobortis eu, imperdiet a mauris. Nulla feugiat facilisis ipsum sed interdum. Suspendisse dapibus fringilla leo accumsan suscipit. Nam vestibulum vel lectus sed varius. Aenean sagittis euismod lectus vestibulum mollis. Nunc blandit felis libero, ac molestie ante fringilla in. Morbi elit dolor, faucibus mollis ipsum et, suscipit auctor tellus. Phasellus sollicitudin sollicitudin elit. Morbi id nisl ac leo egestas mattis. Suspendisse imperdiet dolor urna, vel vestibulum justo faucibus sed. Pellentesque blandit enim eu nisl sollicitudin, id commodo erat pharetra. Vestibulum at purus justo. Morbi tristique gravida enim in iaculis.

Ut ut ex sed nunc hendrerit bibendum. Donec commodo dui sem, vitae consequat velit aliquet eleifend. Curabitur nec egestas magna. Pellentesque ac condimentum erat. Phasellus quis tortor vitae nisl viverra lacinia sit amet vitae sem. Donec sit amet hendrerit lacus. Fusce sed elit nisi. Vestibulum egestas non mauris eget luctus. Proin vitae lobortis lorem. Fusce eget lectus ipsum.

Sed vitae elit vitae enim porttitor rutrum sit amet eu lectus. Donec purus mi, commodo vel rhoncus et, interdum quis massa. Nam at elit nec tortor sagittis facilisis. Nulla facilisi. Curabitur placerat, enim ut imperdiet bibendum, lectus massa fringilla nulla, imperdiet elementum enim turpis non enim. Aenean quis aliquam nunc. Maecenas eget eros at justo dapibus ullamcorper. Vivamus ornare quis eros efficitur dapibus. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Mauris tempor venenatis felis in rhoncus. In auctor ut lacus a aliquam. Morbi ut nulla eu libero accumsan molestie vitae at nibh. Nullam fermentum ante lorem, eu semper lectus sodales at.

Ut non enim a magna hendrerit vehicula. Vivamus mauris urna, rutrum eget tempor laoreet, semper non diam. Vestibulum viverra mattis sapien id mattis. Praesent id dui a turpis porttitor accumsan. Ut tempus placerat varius. Nam interdum nunc tortor, et dictum urna laoreet vitae. Nunc eleifend libero urna, sed condimentum tortor facilisis eget.

In at faucibus erat, sed eleifend leo. Vivamus condimentum ex quis mauris vulputate posuere. Vivamus lacinia, diam vel ornare bibendum, mauris justo accumsan ex, sollicitudin euismod enim sapien nec ligula. Quisque erat mi, dapibus ac lacus et, suscipit lacinia enim. Nam cursus enim at euismod elementum. Maecenas ac risus imperdiet, tempus quam at, congue sem. Praesent ut finibus mauris. Sed nec ante condimentum nulla tincidunt vehicula. Nunc eleifend malesuada iaculis. Phasellus a pulvinar magna, non ullamcorper justo. Pellentesque dictum nec augue mattis mollis.

Posted by Heather in Blog
Breaking the Cycle

Breaking the Cycle

Starting tomorrow, I’ll be participating in NaNoWriMo. I’ll spend 30 days writing my ass off, and (more likely than not) I’ll emerge with another win.

Winning NaNoWriMo once is a huge accomplishment. Winning 10 (hopefully 11) times in a row? Unreal. I’ll feel exhilarated, as I always do, promising myself that this year will be different. This year, those feelings of exhilaration and triumph won’t be followed by disappointment.

NaNoWriMo itself? Not a problem. I’d never call it easy, but I’m good at it. Something about the format, the pressure/deadlines, the feeling of competition shifts me into high gear. A few days in, and suddenly, all I can think about is writing.

For 30 days, I stay in that place. I’m so immersed that I have to force myself to stop, whether it’s to eat or sleep, take care of work stuff, etc. I don’t even bother with things that normally distract me (art, podcasts, favorite shows, etc). I just want to write.

No, NaNoWriMo isn’t the problem. It’s the aftermath that gets me.

Every year, I make a promise. I swear up and down that I’ll stay in the zone, that I’ll keep writing on December 1 and throughout the rest of the year. Unfortunately, that never fucking happens. I take a break for a day or two, which turns into a week. Suddenly, it’s December 15 or December 20, and I’m telling myself, “Hey, it’s okay. Just make it a New Year’s Resolution!”

By January, I’m unmotivated. I’m out of the habit. I might struggle for a few days to get it back, but the momentum is gone. February, March, I’m distracted by other things. The next thing I know, it’s summer and I wonder where the time has gone. August, September… hey, it’s time for NaNoWriMo again!

I suppose that’s why I’m so determined when November rolls around. Yes, I enjoy it (always have), but more than that, I need it. It’s the one month out of the whole fucking year when I know I can get some writing done.

Thanks to NaNoWriMo, I’ve completed multiple novel length works. I’ve written more than I ever dreamed I could, and my skills have improved tremendously thanks to all that practice. But… I don’t want to limit my writing to a single month. I don’t like being dependent on a high pressure/high stakes format, nor do I enjoy feeling like shit for the rest of the year. I want to get in the habit and stay there, keep the momentum going through December and beyond.

How do I do that? I have no fucking clue. It’s not like I can write full-time/shut out all distractions like I do in November, which… I guess that’s the problem. For me, writing has become “all or nothing”. Either I can do the shit out of it to the exclusion of all else, or I can’t do it at all. I’ve never learned how to strike a balance, one that makes space for writing and all the other things I care about. It has to be one or the other.

I don’t know how to fix that. Really, I don’t, though I do know one thing. Giving up isn’t the answer.

That, more than anything, is where I go wrong. I get discouraged/frustrated, to the point where I abandon any attempt to write. For weeks. For months. The longer it goes, the harder it is to get back to it. “Fuck it, I’ll just put it off until next NaNoWriMo.”

This year, I’m not going to do that. I’m sure I’ll struggle, and I won’t always be able to write consistently, but the least I can do is try. I’ll try and I’ll keep trying, testing different strategies or motivational tactics, whatever. Doesn’t matter if I write 10 words a day or a thousand… I just need to keep trying.

So yeah, that’s the plan starting in December. November? No worries there. 🙂

Posted by Heather in Blog
Movie Watch: Secret Window

Movie Watch: Secret Window

Johnny Depp movies are trending like crazy this week, so I figured I’d watch one I’d never seen. In retrospect, I should’ve chosen a different film… Secret Window was seriously underwhelming. While Johnny’s performance was fine for what it was, I’ve never been into the whole “delusional protagonist” trope. In this case, it was downright predictable, certainly not shocking or scary.

What would’ve been a great twist? If the wife, Amy, had been behind it all. Instead, she’s a bland, unwitting victim, just another unimaginative cliché.

That said, I enjoyed the setting/production values, and the acting was decent. It wasn’t a terrible movie, just a bit boring from my perspective.


Posted by Heather in Blog
Movie Watch: Student Seduction

Movie Watch: Student Seduction

I disliked a lot of things about this movie, but let’s start with the title. “Student Seduction”? There was no seduction involved, just a violent, rape-y ass kid preying on students and teachers alike. While that’s fine as a premise, trying to make it sound sexy is misleading and gross.

Another gross thing was the husband. He spends at least half the movie trying to pressure Elizabeth Berkley’s character into getting pregnant, only to be dismissive of (or annoyed by) her feelings on the matter. Of course, that would be fine if he was portrayed as a villain/antagonist, but he isn’t. His shitty behavior is supposedly okay because he’s a “good” guy.

When she does end up pregnant? Everyone (including her) is thrilled about it. WTF?

Look, I get that this movie is from 2003. Different times, different standards and all that. But 2003 isn’t 1950 either. This was a woman who clearly and emphatically stated that she wasn’t ready to have a baby, which was treated as irrelevant. IMO, a much more satisfying conclusion would’ve included a.) getting an abortion, and b.) divorcing her trashbag husband.

Instead, all we got was her clearing her name, and even that was unsatisfying. The movie never shows the kid actually getting punished for multiple rapes/attempted rapes. It’s just implied by her returning to her classroom and one of his other victims being in a better mood.

All in all? Not the worst Lifetime movie I’ve ever seen, but definitely not the best. I’d sum it up as mediocre/vaguely annoying.


Posted by Heather in Blog
Movie Watch: Cyberstalker

Movie Watch: Cyberstalker

I’ve always hated the way people trash Lifetime movies. Sure, some of them are crap, but others (like this one) are legitimately good. Mischa Barton does an excellent job in her role as the main character, and the mystery (i.e. “who is the cyber stalker?”) was full of fascinating (and often frightening) twists and turns. When the real villain was exposed, I gasped out loud. It really was the last person I would’ve suspected, which is exactly what I want in a suspense movie.

Other things I loved:

  • Mischa Barton’s wardrobe, especially the black dress she wore to her art exhibit.
  • The guy she ends up dating is super hot.
  • Surprise Dan Levy appearance!

Needless to say, I really enjoyed this one. Would definitely recommend!


Posted by Heather in Blog
Movie Watch: Dark Shadows

Movie Watch: Dark Shadows

While I love classic Johnny Depp/Tim Burton collaborations (i.e. Edward Scissorhands), I haven’t liked most of the newer stuff (post 2000). That’s why I didn’t see Dark Shadows when it came out… I still hadn’t forgiven them for Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.

10 years (and a very persistent Netflix recommendation) later, I decided to give them another chance. I’m so glad I did, because I loved this movie. Granted, it was no cinematic masterpiece, but I was thoroughly entertained. It hit my Burton/Depp sweet spot – dark, brooding, and self-aware, underscored with just the right amount of campy humor. I also loved the soundtrack and Alice Cooper cameo – the latter in particular was a nice surprise.

My only complaint? I wish Johnny Depp had shown more emotional depth, though that has more to do with him as an actor than this particular movie. He’s lost a lot of softness/sensitivity over the years, which used to be my favorite thing about his performances.

That said, I did like his character. His chemistry with Michelle Pfeiffer was particularly good.


Posted by Heather in Blog
Movie Watch: The Babysitter’s Seduction

Movie Watch: The Babysitter’s Seduction

Without question, the best part of this movie was Phylicia Rashad as the detective. That alone made it worth watching.

Other than that, it was decent as far as “made-for-TV” thrillers go. While it was predictable at times and definitely had its cheesy moments, I loved the 90s nostalgia. Keri Russel was gorgeous, and she played her role really well. The other characters (aside from Phylicia Rashad) did an okay job, but were fairly forgettable.

Overall? Not a bad movie. Not a great one, but not bad either.


Posted by Heather in Blog
Movie Watch: What Women Want

Movie Watch: What Women Want

At the time this movie came out (2000), I was obsessed with romantic comedies. This is one of the few I didn’t see, mainly because I’d heard so many bad things by the time it came out on DVD. More recently, it was covered on a movie podcast I follow, both of the hosts concluding that a.) it doesn’t hold up, and b.) it’s genuinely awful.

To be fair, there’s a lot to dislike about it. Some of the female stereotypes are obnoxious, and Mel Gibson’s character is intolerable for at least half of the movie. It’s also way too long, and the music/score is horrible. Seriously, I hate that frenetic, jazzy New York shit, and I can’t stand Frank Sinatra.

Other than that? The movie wasn’t that bad. The characters/relationships are more endearing toward the end, and there were moments that were legitimately funny. Granted, I don’t think I’ll ever watch it again, but as far as mediocre late 90s/early 2000s romantic comedies go? I can think of worse ones.


Posted by Heather in Blog
Movie Watch: Stalked at 17

Movie Watch: Stalked at 17

I was obsessed with Lifetime movies in the 90s/early 00s, but I haven’t watched one since I got rid of cable about a decade ago. Damn, I’d forgotten how much I love them. The drama! The suspense! The slight edge of cheesiness that is always present, no matter how much their production values have improved over the years.

This movie in particular? Fucking fantastic. Yeah, the plot might’ve been predictable, but you know what? Lifetime movies aren’t about plot twists. They’re all about satisfaction, which is particularly true when it comes to my favorite trope. Crazy, obsessive dude targets hapless victim? There’s nothing I love more than seeing that guy get kicked in the proverbial nuts.

Obviously, I need to watch more Lifetime movies. Judge me if you want, but I find them way more entertaining than the average Oscar-winning film.


Posted by Heather in Blog
Movie Watch: Safe Haven

Movie Watch: Safe Haven

I’ve lost count of how many “movies based on a Nicholas Sparks novel” there are, largely because most aren’t as memorable as The Notebook. That said, I always enjoy them, and this one was no exception. It was sweet, romantic, and the two main actors had great chemistry. I also liked the children, especially Lexi. They were genuinely likable and well behaved, a nice alternative to bratty/annoying caricatures I’ve seen in other movies.

Overall, I liked this film. I can’t say it had me on the edge of my seat, but it was well acted, had a decent plot, and the filmography/setting was beautiful. A solid effort.


Posted by Heather in Blog